Royal Stainer colours are specially developed for obtaining eye pleasing shades in lime wash. It is used for tinting like lime wash, acrylic emulsion, distempers and enamel.
Features :
- High tinting strength
- Light fast
- All colours intermiscible
- Economical
- Used to obtain desired shades in paints.
Application Method:
- To obtain the desired shade, add Royal stainer gradually into the base white/ Lime wash while stirring well.
- Shake the Stainer bottle well before adding.
- Because of its high tinting strength a small quantity of Royal stainer is enough.
- For excellent result and durability in Lime wash use “Cemshot Lime adhesive with stainer.
- The tints obtained will depend on the quality of white/ Base White or Lime used.
- No added Lead. Lead content does not exceed 90 parts per million.
Shelf life : Best before 2 years from the date of Mfg.
Packing : 50ml, 100ml and 200ml.
Note: Not applicable for Synthetic Distempers.
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